Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Aftermath of the student ministry teaching series "Gideon: Least to Leader"

Wow, what a great series! The idea for this series came from the understanding that Gideon came from the smallest tribe, the weakest clan and the youngest; God took him from that position to leader of Israel's army. Here are a few observations and take aways that came to the surface!

The story starts with Gideon threshing grains in a wine press. To me this a funny picture. A wine press is a hole in the ground and here we find Gideon hiding for fear of losing his grain or worse his life. Threshing grains was successful only if the wind blew away the garbage and the grains fell to the earth. In a hole this was not going to happen. Gideon was probably tired from working many times more, dusty from everything falling back down on him and wondering to himself who will stand up to these Midianites bullies? 

Who will stand up against the bullies? Who will feed the poor? Who will protect the innocent? Who will fight against sex trafficking? Who will reach out to that cancer patient? We find ourselves with those questions, who will decide something? Who God? "You will! I have given you my eyes to see! I have given you my heart to hurt?" God called Gideon from the least position in all of Israel, from a hole in the ground. Sometimes those people are the most dangerous; all in and relying on God to follow through.

Before God even had Gideon raise an army and lead, He gave him a small task. Tear down the idols and alters in his village. Gideon took 10 servants at night and destroyed everything God asked Him to. At night, not much courage? Actually yes, this is Gideon who was hiding in a hole. He was taking a small step into leadership. God gives us many opportunities to grow our leadership and courage!

The next two things are taught on a lot: the fleece and the raising of the army. One thing, I never caught before was that Gideon tested God twice with a fleece and then God tested Gideon twice by cutting his army. I think this was with purpose, because many times that is how God does things.

Gideon took his 300 men and waited near the enemy's massive army. God tells Gideon to go down to enemy camp. Upon arrival, Gideon overhears one soldiers dream and another who interpretes the dream. The dream means Gideon is going to come and destroy us all...what a confidence boost for Gideon! What did he the do? He rushed back to his 300 men? Nope, he fell and worshipped God! Gideon recognized that this was all bigger than himself, he wasn't going through it alone and God deserved the credit! 

We know the rest. God uses Gideon and 300 men to cause a panic in the enemy's camp. They fought each other and fled from an army of 300 men. God got the glory and Gideon went from the least to leader. He can do the same for you.

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