Monday, August 25, 2014

How do you disciple someone?

A question that I have gotten many times! I believe that we have made this question harder than it should be. Let's be honest; there are so many ideas, books, methods and models. We have made discipleship a complicated process, which I believe many times scares Christians from doing it...

Discipleship at its purest form is a simple process. You take what you are learning about God and what God is teaching you, and then you share that with another person! 

So here comes the application: 

1. What are you learning from God? What is he teaching you?

2. Find a new believer or a younger believer or a lost person or just find a person! Ask them if God has been teaching them anything and share what God has been teaching you

3. Listen and ask great questions with that person, try to see where the Holy Spirit is leading the person. If a issue comes to surface, or a passion for learning something. Then do your research and maybe come back and ask them to do a book study or take a few passages of Scripture to study with them. Work with the Holy Spirit! 

When I study Jesus and how He discipled them; he didn't make it a hard process. He lived life with people, taught them what He knew and had them teach others. I have thought of my life and I couldn't even come close to mention everyone that has come into my life and discipled me! I am where I am because of those who chose to take time and teach me what they knew! Who are you going to choose this week to disciple?

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