If I had just one thing to say to parents...
"Raising your kids in the church is good, but not enough; you NEED to raise them in Jesus!"
Many adults realize this too late, while watching their kids walk away from the church. Perhaps, they thought that it was a good thing to get them to church for the youth events, Sunday School, youth group, etc. and it is, but sadly it won't stick if all they have is church and no Jesus.
When they are in youth group; I tell them personally over and over that they won't survive on their parent's faith. They won't survive on their student pastor's faith. They won't survive on their pastor's faith. At the end of the day, they will only survive on their own faith and that is their choice! They are the only one who can choose Jesus!
As parents, I know you desire that they will choose Jesus and not falter along life's path. Though, powerless on making their decisions for them; you are at a monumental point in their life! If they just see you living out your life for Jesus! If they see that you put Jesus first! If they see that you love Him and that you love them!
You as parents, have the best advantage of raising them in Jesus; you clock more time with them than the church and the youth pastor ever will be able to! Yes, we are here to help raise your students in Jesus and in the Word! We are here for you when you don't know what to do! We desire to work alongside of you, while investing in your kid and pointing them to Jesus. We desire to see your student get it! To own his or her's faith! To see them living out their life for God! For them to be able to stand on their own when they graduate high school; while not graduating the church at the same time! We are here for you!
Please if you're a parent, take this to heart! I really don't desire to see any God loving parent, come to a point in their life where they say "I raised them in the church, but I didn't raise them in Jesus."
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