Why did God allow 911? Why did God allow that person to have cancer, she had so much potential? Why did God allow Hurricane Katrina to take so many lives? Why did God even put a tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden, if He is all good? Why didn't God stop that Forrest fire or mud slide in the Midwest? Why does God not intervene against injustice? Why did God take that child, he was only seven?
Maybe you are like me and have pondered a question similar. These questions I don't believe are wrong, I believe they are valid questions. They are at the core of human nature to ask; but asking is not the issue, it is the blame game that is wrong.
Have you ever observed many of our stories and movies? Most start with the characters of the story, doing great and then all of the sudden a villain enters the picture. For instance: In Red Riding Hood, it is the Big Bad Wolf. In the Wizard of Oz; it's the Wicked Witch of the West. In Gotham, there is a guy who paint his face and causes havoc; the Joker. In Star Wars, he has a breathing problem and is one of the darkest villains; Darth Vader. You see many times our stories and movies have villains. Why? Because God's story has a villain.
Think about it. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 From the beginning of God's story we find that: He is the main character of His story! He is the main director of His story! He is the main writer of His story!
God created a perfect earth and He cast two main characters to take care of it; Adam and Eve. Everything was going great, until chapter three, and then it happens. The villain enters the scene, the Bible calls him the serpent and we know that it is the devil or Satan. He enters God's story for one purpose and that is to taint God's story! He coaxes Eve to break God's rule and helps man to turn his back against God. It is the same today! You feel lonely and abandoned, and you hear that voice saying you're not good enough. There is an enemy, there has always been an enemy and there will always will be till God puts him away for eternity! But yet, when something goes wrong; we don't blame the villain or even take responsibility of our own actions. We blame God, the main character of His story that we are just a part of! Why I ask you?
Here is a random thought of mine. A few years back I dislocated my ankle. My foot should have been horizontal but it popped out and was more vertical! It was gross. When I was in the emergence room, I made a deal with myself to treat every doctor, every nurse and every hospital staff member with kindness and love. I knew that these people were there for one purpose and that was to make me better! Now many times; these people are yelled at, cursed at, and hated. Why? All they are doing is trying to help the person. But yet many times we find the truth in the statement "Hurt people hurt people." Now, take God and His story. He is trying to be part of our lives, love us, help us; and what do we do many times? Lash out at Him, curse at Him, hate Him, turn our backs on Him. It tends to be our human nature, but yet as Christians it should not be part of our new creation!
Will we ever be able to answer the question why did God allow this to happen? Most likely not; but at the same time, we are in no position to blame it on God. We need to realize that there is an enemy, that continues to attempt to taint God's story. We have our own responsibility to control our actions. And because we all fall in the middle of God's big story; we are just a small part of that. Ecclesiastes is correct when it mentions that we cannot even fathom God's story from the beginning to the end! So ask the question "Why did this happen?" Even if need be ask "Why God did you allow this to happen?" But let us never come to a place where we start blaming God for things we will never understand!
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