Tuesday, August 6, 2013

If I ever become a Bible professor...I have the perfect debate topic for my students!

When we read Scripture, we find that two Old Testament characters seem to be able to avoid the sting of death. Do you know who they are? The first Bible character is Enoch; who we can find located in the beginning of the book of Genesis. He was known as the guy who walked with God and because he was so faithful, God took him Heaven. The second Bible character is Elijah; who we can find located in the beginning of the book of II Kings. He was taken to heaven by a chariot of fire.

Now here is where my debate thoughts and questions comes into play:

When sin came into the world it passed to "all" men, thus all men will experience a physical death. So if God saved Enoch and Elijah from the sting of death; does this affect His character? Does it open up a new way to get to Heaven? Jesus is supposed to be the only way to Heaven, for Old Testament people they looked ahead to the Savior and for us we look back to a Savior. Though, if we walk with God like Enoch or even better than he did, can we also get to Heaven without the need of a Savior. Take these thoughts and question into consideration of the debate you're assigned.

Debate 1 Enoch and Elijah were spared from death and these two cases do not affect the character of God when he said all men have sin and death is the result of it. Also these cases for not put any holes in His redemption plan

Debate 2 Enoch and Elijah had to experience a type of physical death before God took them away; and if death occurred this would protect God's character and the redemptive plan

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