Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I have been planning to do a 4 week series on the animals found in Proverbs 30:24-28! I think it actually would be more perfect for kids than the teens. My current thought would be to stress each animal, their size, their strength, and how even kids can be like these animals...The logo turned out great and I truly think this could be an awesome kid series for the future!

Looking at the 4 animals:

Ants - Not strong but they prepare themselves in season. (by storing up food in the summer)
Hyraxes - Not mighty but have a solid foundation (by building their homes in the cliffs)
Locust - No king but work together for one purpose (by marching in unison)
Lizard - Caught in hands but makes itself part of high places (by living in kings palaces)

Take home: We want the kids to be preparing now to become champions for Christ, we want them to have a safe and strong foundation, working together to encourage and teach each other, and being part of what the whole church is currently doing!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Great leadership insights from Harvest Fest

I could talk about all sorts of leadership areas that I saw at this year's Harvest Fest! I want to take note on two leadership insights that I had little to do with and came from two leaders that have never worked a Harvest Fest. These two leaders happen to be my parents. Yeah I know, I recruited leadership from afar this year; Pennsylvania to be exact. They were perfect candidates for leading a local church event!

My dad just jumped in and where there was a need, he met it. You can teach this; but it is very hard to produce this in your leaders. Reminds me of when I go into the YMCA as a member. If I see a sweat towel on the ground, I leave it there because I know that the Y pays people to pick it up. Though, now as a YMCA employee if I go into the Y as a member and see a sweat towel on the floor; I pick it up. In reality nothing changed within the circumstances of me being a member and the towel being on the floor. What changed was my perspective and taking ownership! In leadership, this is key. Perception for the leader must be changed in order for them to take ownership and lead!

My mom showed another way of great leadership! She was intentional and communicated that she cared. Though she was only here for a weekend, she made people feel welcomed and got to know people personally. One family in particular that she connected with shows us a great example of this. My mom introduced them to me by name, told me a little about their family, and made sure they connected with a pastor. Remembering names has been monumental in making a difference in someone's life; it makes them feel important. Even better yet is when you recall important details about their life and pass it on to another person. It shows that you care. One other important factor that she did was invite them to be there the next morning for church. Guess what, they were there! I can't remember if this has happened at Harvest Fest, where I saw a personal invite and saw that family in church that next Sunday. That means that there was a good connection made and the invite was worth the family visiting. Once again this is a matter of perspective and hard to teach. Though, once intentional living and healthy communication is lived out; impactful change and results appear.